Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Myspace the Movie is Acutally Better Than Myspace!

With the availability of high speed internet, online trainwrecks such as Star Wars Kid, Absolutepunk and the infamous Paris Hilton video are quickly beginning to cross into the everyday American's psyche. Myspace is not exempt from this broadband movement and it seems like everybody and their grandmother (literally) has a Myspace account. Along with 'The Space becoming a part of everyday life, you have to wonder how serious people get about, what is essentially, a bunch of code. How many lives have been changed, relationships destroyed, or teenagers stalked because of Myspace?

Director, writer, and inadvertant satirist David Lehre examines the superficial aspect in "Myspace: The Movie," an 11-minute short that looks at how relationships are affected because of the website.

Picture poses, hook-ups and even founder, Tom, are relentlessly lampooned in a brief window of time.

One particular segment, "The Password," features a girlfriend who is angry because her boyfriend, Joe, will not put her in his Top 8. She gives him the password for her account and accosts him with a series of questions including, but not limited to, "Where is this relationship going?" When the young woman gets Joe's password, she finds out, to her surprise (but not the audience's), that his faith is dubious.

"The Password" probably hits close to home for many people given the fact that there are probably many teenagers who are so wrapped in insecurity that they obsess and scrutinize the most meaningless things.

Though it's funny in a David Zucker way, "Myspace: The Movie" does raise some questions on how seriously should we take an online community that is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Shouldn't people be concerned that by posting their favorite bands, pictures, clothing companies and food they are relenquish personal information that will probably be used for marketing companies? Users probably don't care since Myspace and sites like it are adding some sort of excitement to their otherwise mundane lives. They probably feel as cool as the Star Wars kid.

[Related Links]
David Lehre
IMDB: Josie and the Pussycats


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